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What we do


Making of Queen

Our story

Uga Buga Art is a group of filmmakers and artists, creating high quality artistic and commercial moving image products that aim to inspire and change our world for the better. We are a film and theatre production house offering products such as unconventional short films, corporate and music videos, advertisement, art direction, multimedia, event and production services.

Uga Buga Art was founded in 2006 by Yagama, her sister Ilina Perianova and friends as an Artist Collective for public and site specific art, event decoration and performance. In its early days, the group created fire shows and set design for numerous festivals and exhibitions in Bulgaria and abroad. The group's biggest project was the creation of a 710 sq.m. Labyrinth Garden in Geo Milev Park, Sofia, in 2009, financed by “Slatina” Municipality.

Enchanted by the power of the moving image, Uga Buga's first involvement in film was the creation of the “Blue Beard” short during a 24 hour film challenge in 2009. Since then, the group has steadily transformed itself into a Production House for fresh, meaningful and fairytale projects. 

In 2011 Uga Buga Art helped produce Ilina Perianova's debut theatre show, “I Am Hungry,” which premiered at New Bulgarian University Theatre, Sofia. In 2016 Uga Buga Art produced two more films directed by Ilina Perianova – award winning “Eat Me!” short musical film, and the short film “ Snegurochka.” Our latest film is the experimental poetry short “Queen”. We have several more dramatic and documentary projects in the pipeline for 2019.

Looking into the future, we are believers. We believe in the transformative power of art. We believe that creativity and innovation, rooted in a solid professionalism and attention to detail, are the key to success. We believe in ourselves and we believe in you, our customers, partners and supporters. We are not afraid of standing out from the crowd. We are here to weave tales.