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M. Gandhi “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”


Stories of people and dogs searching for love.


The main characters of the film are people who have dedicated their entire lives into saving abandoned dogs and animals from the streets of Bulgaria. People who have sacrificed much to become the RESCUERS.

The film is narrated through both canine and the human perspective. How much does the life of Bulgarian dogs tell us about humankind and ourselves?

Directors note

With this film I would like to raise awareness about the plight of street dogs, so that there is a push for long term reasonable solutions. To me humankind’s intellectual and technological development is not sufficient. Our current approach to animaks reflects our global approach to life and, it's driving the planet against the wall. We need to develop kindness and sensitivity to one another and the beings we share this planet with in order to develop compassionate solutions and sustainable ways of sharing our limited space with other creatures. Our everyday choices are the path that will lead us this way. How we deal with the ones closest to us - purebred or stray, human or non-human – is the key to resolving the problem.

Filmed between 2012- 2022

Feature length film. Release 2022- 2023

We are looking for your support to finalise the film! For more information on how to Also follow us at

Director: Ilina Perianova

Script development by : Ilina Perianova, Plamena Velkovsky, Alexander Manuiloff

DOP’s : Georgi Marinov, Nevena Zlatanova, Angel Balachiisky

Also filmed by: Veselin Hristov, Svetoslav Mihaylov, Todor Tsanov

Sound recording: Rossen Pavlov, Veselin Zografov, Ilina Perianova, Ivan Andreev

Editor: Ilina Perianova, Kristian Petrov

Produced by: Ilina Perianova; UGA BUGA ART

Produced by: Mila Voinikova; Miramar Film

Production development: Svetoslav Draganov

Supported by: National Fund for Culture Bulgaria

Developed at: BDC 2012

Pitched at: Doc Leipzig; East Doc Platform

For news and updates follow the project on Facebook and Instagram